Sometimes you may find an External User in the list of Active Connections that you are not able to Remove.

An External User is caused when a user logs off the Ostendo application but the message does not reach the Firebird SQL database. This leaves an open connection in the Firebird database and it appears as an External User in Ostendo because Firebird cannot put a user name to the open connection. 

Often these External Users will disappear on their own, but sometimes they may persist. To remove an External User follow these instructions or contact us for assistance.

  1. Ensure that all active users of Ostendo are logged off as this action will stop Ostendo running.
  2. Log onto the server as a user with appropriate permissions.
  3. Open the Windows Services screen from the Control Panel>Administrative Tools.
  4. Stop the PRTG Probe Service if it is installed.
  5. Stop the Ostendo API Services, Ostendo Queue Services and Ostendo Web Services if they are installed.
  6. Ensure there are no Firebird ODBC connections active.
  7. Stop Firebird Services or Firebird Guardian Services. This will clear the External Users.
  8. Start Firebird Guardian Services or Firebird Services.
  9. Start Ostendo API Services, Ostendo Queue Services and Ostendo Web Services (as applicable).
  10. Start the PRTG Probe Service if it is installed.
  11. Start any Firebird ODBC connections required.
  12. Check that you can open Ostendo.

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