Some of the most common factors that could influence speed are:
- The Ostendo database, application and Firebird are not excluded from anti-virus software that may be running on the server
- The server is not set to a High Performance Power Plan
- Firewall rules have not been added correctly
- There is not enough RAM or CPU on the server. We recommend 16GB of RAM and Intel Xeon E5 2.1GHz or greater Hex core (preferred) or Quad core processor
- The server is not optimised as a database server
- A VSS service is backing up the Ostendo database live
- There is not enough disk space for the Ostendo database to run properly. A min of 10GB is required but we recommend 50GB spare disk space
- The network is not 1GB compliant throughout
- User Account Controls is set above Never Notify on the server, or on client PC's is set higher than the Windows default
- There is not enough RAM or CPU on the client PC. We recommend 8GB RAM and i5 Intel processor or higher
- The client PC is being run on a wireless network. Clients should never run Ostendo on a wireless network but should be connected to the server by a wired network
- The server is running other processes which also require a high level of disk access
- The Ostendo Firebird database may need to be validated, backed up and restored using the Firebird gbak database utilities (effectively fixes indexing or data issues)
Ostendo normally runs fast, so if you are experiencing speed issues it will be a system or network issue. Our technical team can assist so contact us if you need help.
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