Occasionally you may encounter Access Violation error messages when running Ostendo. The cause of these error messages are nothing to do with Ostendo itself but with the system environment. Most of the time they will come and go, but you may need to reboot the server if they become too frequent.

The cause of Access Violation error messages are usually either issues with permissions or a conflict with Windows, antivirus or other software. They can be difficult to diagnose and pinpoint.

Some of these causes may include;

  • Full control permissions required for users to specific folders.
  • DLL or EXE files not installed in the expected folder.
  • Antivirus quarantining required files.
  • Windows or other software not working with each other.

If you experience persistent access violation error messages consult with your IT providers and your Ostendo Partner. The best solution may be to reinstall Ostendo on your server to ensure the correct setup.

Ibis Business Intelligence Solutions

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