
  • A user must be setup under Mobility>Employee Mobility Settings
  • This employee must be assigned at least one Style Name under Mobility>Style Template Matrix


The Freeway App can be connected to one or more Ostendo databases. Each connection is called a Solution.

The Freeway App must first be installed on the device from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. It is best to search for 'Ostendo'. Please also install the TeamViewer Quick Support App so we can provide remote support.

When you open the Freeway App for the first time after installing it you will be prompted to create a new Solution. You can also add a new solution on the Freeway App click the Solutions button and then click the + symbol on the top of the screen on the orange bar. 

1. You will be presented with this screen. For a normal Ostendo solution click the second option highlighted in green.

2. Enter the Solution Name that is appropriate.

3. The next screen you will be taken to is the Settings screen.

In the Network setting select 'Remote' if you will be connecting via mobile data and WiFi, or 'Local' if you will only be connecting by Wi-Fi.

Click on the Freeway Keys to enter a Fast Code that will connect this Freeway Solution to the Ostendo database via the Ostendo API.

4. In Ostendo, navigate to File>API Service>API Security and select the correct solution. Click on the Fast Code button which will pop up a Fast Code number.

5. Enter the Fast Code in the Freeway App. This will populate the API Key and Mobility Key records.

6. Navigate to the Diagnostics screen on the Freeway App. If the connection is successful you will see green ticks against all lines. If you get a red tick it means the connection is not successful and you should contact our support team for assistance.

7. On the Home page click on Update and enter the Mobility User credentials and do a Re-Initialise Data synch.