Our data exchange between Soft Tech V6 and Ostendo Operations (ERP) provides a complete solution for Aluminium Window and Door manufacturers.

Soft Tech's V6 software is specifically designed for manufacturers and fabricators of residential and commercial windows and doors. This industry has unique requirements with too much variability for ERP systems to handle. 

A file is exported from the V6 software containing customer and job information, the windows and doors being manufactured, a bill of materials of extrusions, components and glass, plus the labour time per work centre. This file is imported into Ostendo Operations (ERP) to creates a job from which purchase orders can be raised, inventory can be issued, time sheets entered, finished goods can be delivered and job costing monitored. 

As Ostendo consultants, ask us how Ostendo Operations ERP software and Ostendo Freeway mobility exchanging data with Soft Tech V6 can be a solution to improve your business performance.

We provide support for Ostendo software in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.

Ibis Business Intelligence Solutions

Website: www.ibisbis.com |  Email: info@ibisbis.com

Australia: 1800 427 424 | New Zealand: 0800 427 424

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