We approach the implementation of the system as a business process improvement project to ensure that the system is a solution to improve your business performance.

The success of the implementation project rests on using the systems being implemented with sound business processes. It is only this that makes them a solution. Without improving business processes, the same problems will keep perpetuating no matter which system you have. 

We approach the implementation of the system as a business process improvement project for your current business processes. Current processes are modified or replaced with improved processes based on the opportunities presented by the system and new capabilities made possible by it. 

We follow Lean and Agile project management methodologies for simple but efficient workflow management and tracking of project stages and tasks.

As Ostendo consultants, ask us how Ostendo Operations ERP software and Ostendo Freeway mobility can be a solution to improve your business performance.

We provide support for Ostendo software in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.

Ibis Business Intelligence Solutions

Website: www.ibisbis.com |  Email: info@ibisbis.com

Australia: 1800 427 424 | New Zealand: 0800 427 424

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