1. When you receive your licence key by email from Development-X, save the attached file to a safe location. We recommend creating a 'Licence Key' folder in your Ostendo root directory.


  1. On the server, navigate to Services and select the Ostendo Rest API Service
  2. Stop the Ostendo Rest API Service



  1. Navigate to Mobility>Settings>Mobility Rules to open the Mobility Rules screen..
  2. Click on the 'Licence' button and navigate to where you saved the licence key file.
  3. Double click the file or click the 'Open' button and your licence key is applied.
  4. Select the radio button to 'Update Cloud Record' before clicking OK


  1. On the server, navigate to Services and select the Ostendo Rest API Service
  2. Start the Ostendo Rest API Service

Ibis Business Intelligence Solutions

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