These are general instructions only for the most common way Jobs are used and do not include all fields and settings for Jobs. Refer to the Ostendo Help menu for an explanation of all fields. Follow the process outlined in the Standard Operating Procedures and User instructions for your specific company requirements.
- Go to Jobs>Job Order to open the Job Order screen
- Press Add to create a new job order
- Type in the Customer Name or Lookup the customer list by pressing F3 or the magnifying glass option.
- The writing pad option will enable you to add a new customer but do not do so until you have properly checked that the customer does not exist, and unless you have the authority to do so.
- Enter the appropriate Order and Required Dates.
- Select the appropriate Job Type, especially if a job needs to be linked to an Asset.
- Customer Asset if required.
- Enter any job notes applicable.
- A Template can be entered or may default with the Job Type to auto enter Tasks and Job Lines.
- Press Create Order to create a new job. Press Create Quote to create a job quote.
- Fields of note in the Job Detail tab
- Tracking Code (if applicable).
- Site Name (in a multi site environment this will default the picked from warehouse and location).
- Purchase Order (customer purchase order number).
- Sales Person.
- Job and invoice notes.
- Customer site address. This can be overridden.
- Customer contact (in the Additional Customer Details button).
- Invoice Style.
- From Actual Entries will invoice Actual Quantity x Unit Price per job line.
- From Schedule will invoice either the Fixed Price or the Order Quantity x Unit Price per job line.
- No Invoice will post costs directly to the Cost Centres entered without posting to Work in Progress.
- Invoice Currency will need to be entered manually even if the customer is set with foreign currency.
- Linked documents and images from the Related button.
- Job Hazards from the Related button.
- In the Job Lines tab enter the line items for the sales order by pressing F5, the Add button or by using the Speed Entry order.
- Job lines can also be entered by using the Templates, Lists, Items, Descriptors, Kitsets, Catalogue Items and Matrices (if applicable) icons at the top of the job screen.
- Fields of note in each job line are;
- Code Type
- Code
- Description (usually modified if the line is a non stock item, ie Descriptor)
- Order Quantity
- Unit (if multiple stocking units of measure are used)
- Job Task.
- Std and Order Price (dependant on user security settings and company processes)
- Planned Unit Cost if line is purchased to the job.
- Job Line and Invoice Line Notes
- Line Source tab if the job line is to be purchased or manufactured to the job.
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