
  • All customer payments must be deleted in the accounting system which will update customer payments Ostendo. Customer payments cannot be deleted in Ostendo.
  • Applicable to MYOB AccountRight Live, Xero and Intuit QuickBooks Online only.
  • Be aware that customer payments entered in Ostendo and customer payments entered in the accounting system transact differently (see our FAQ article on "General Ledger Transactions for Customer Payments"). Customer payments entered in Ostendo create two records because they use Unapplied Payments, whereas customer payments the accounting system create only one record and do not use Unapplied Payments.

Process for Deleting Customer Payments Entered in the Accounting System

  1. Delete the payment record in the accounting system. This will delete the payment for all invoices the payment has been applied to.
  2. Run the 'Retrieve Customer Payment' script in Ostendo setting the date to the day prior to the payment being unapplied.
  3. Because customer payments entered in the accounting system do not use Unapplied Payments, this will completely delete the customer payment in Ostendo for all invoices included in it.

Process for Deleting Customer Payments Entered in Ostendo

  1. This is only applicable to customer payments using the 'Received Payment' payment style. (NB this does not apply to customer payments using the 'Use Customer Deposit' Payment Style where an invoice has been paid using a customer deposit in Ostendo. Please contact your Ostendo Partner for assistance in unapplying payments using Customer Deposits).
  2. Delete the payment against the customer invoice only. Do not delete the payment record in the bank reconciliation in the accounting system, as Ostendo uses Unapplied Payments to treat the customer payment and the applying of the payment to invoices as two separate records. If the payment was applied to multiple invoices you will need to do this for each invoice that is included in the payment.
  3. Run the 'Retrieve Customer Payment' script in Ostendo setting the date to the day prior to the payment being unapplied. This will unapply the invoices in the customer payment that were deleted in the accounting system, but will leave the customer payment open. It is possible to only unapply some of the invoices in a customer payment.
  4. The customer payment can be reapplied to other invoices, but do not modify the details of the customer payment in the Detail tab and reapply the customer payment as this will create a journal not recognised by bank feeds. If details such as the amount received, payment date, customer, payment style or banking method etc need to be corrected then the customer payment should be deleted and a new one created.
  5. The customer payment may be deleted once all invoices are unapplied. This will reverse the payment record from the bank reconciliation in the accounting system. If the payment is part of a bank deposit then the bank deposit must first be deleted in order to delete the payment. The bank deposit should then be reprocessed in Ostendo. 

Please Note

Payments deleted in the accounting system do not update Ostendo at the same regularity as transactions being posted from Ostendo to the accounting system. Ask your Ostendo Partner about installing scripts you can run to force back updates to payments in Ostendo from the accounting system. 

  • MYOB AccountRight Live Script. Requires a User Defined Constant in Ostendo called MYOBDELETIONHORIZON set with a Type of Integer
  • Xero Script

Ibis Business Intelligence Solutions

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