The following Function Keys are used throughout Ostendo


F1 - Help

F2 - Where a ‘Notes’ field has limited visible space for data entry, clicking on this button will open a separate screen for entry of the extended notes

F3 - This functions as a ‘Look-Up’ shortcut in the following instances

  • For fields with a Look-Up (spyglass) Icon this will display the table
  • For ‘Notes’ fields the ‘Frequently Used Text’ screen will be presented for selection of a Text/Phrase

F4 - When cursor in field this enables drop-down lists to be displayed

F5 - ‘Add’ a new record. On multi-line entry screens this button will save the current line and automatically move the cursor to a new line (I.e. a combined F6 and F5 function)

F6 - ‘Save’ the current record

F7 - ‘Cancel’ information keyed in since accessing the record or ‘Save’ was selected

F8 - ‘Delete’ the current record

Fn/F4 - Add date and time stamp and the user in any notes field

Shift/F5 - When in Job Orders, Sales Orders, Assembly Orders, Purchase Orders and Direct Invoicing screens this will automatically save the current Order details and bring up a panel for creation of a new order

Crtl/Tab - Allows you to move from left to right across a suite of screens (For example: if the current view contains List, Detail, Lines, and Variants tabs then Ctrl Tab takes you forward through these tabs

Shift/Crtl/Tab - Allows you to move from right to left across a suite of screens (For example: if the current view contains List, Detail, Lines, and Variants tabs then Ctrl Tab takes you backwards through these tabs

Alt/F4 - This will close the current Ostendo screen

Tab - Move from field to the next field

Shift/Tab - Move backwards from field to the previous field

Space Bar - ‘Check’ or ‘uncheck’ a checkbox

Home - Go to first record in a 'List' View

End - Go to last record in a ‘List’ View

Page Up - Display previous 'Page' of data in a 'List' View

Page Down - Display next 'Page' of data in a 'List' View


A date can be automatically inserted into any date field by typing in any of the following codes and then pressing the Tab key:

(example: current date is 15/6/2014)
tod - ‘today’ 15/06/2014
15/6 - 15/06/2014
bom - beginning of month’ 1/06/2014
eom - ‘end of month’ 31/06/2014
y - yesterday 14/06/2014
m - next Monday from today
tu - next Tuesday from today
w - next Wednesday from today
thu - next Thursday from today
fr - next Friday from today
sa - next Saturday from today
su - next Sunday from today

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